EVOLVEgo is a mobile optimised version of the desktop applications you are already used to using and, where you have the relevant subscriptions.
EVOLVEgo assists visit leaders and accompanying staff with the operational management of visits. Once a visit form has been approved in EVOLVE, it will automatically appear in the visit staff's EVOLVEgo, so that they can manage every aspect of the visits including:
Viewing personal visit diary
Viewing visit registers
Taking visit registers via the app
Managing students with centrally recorded roll calls
Accessing and calling all school, LA/Trust and provider contacts
Accessing parent/carer contact details
Sending SMS and emails to parents/carers
Viewing full visit communication log
Viewing visit form notes
Viewing and amending Event Specific Plans
Viewing existing attachments and uploading additional files
Managing visit incident notifications
Some of the above features require an EVOLVEstandard or EVOLVEpremium subscription.
Depending on your subscriptions EVOLVEgo allows you to access your system remotely on a mobile optimised platform
EVOLVEvisits: End-to-end educational visit management solution
EVOLVEclubs: Complete extra-curricular, wrap-around care and holiday club solution
EVOLVEpay: Whole school payment solution
EVOLVEshop: Online shop to sell anything from textbooks, uniform and stationery to ticketed events
EVOLVEsports: Dedicated app designed to streamline the management of sporting fixtures
EVOLVEaccidentbook: Online incident book for the recording, monitoring and management of accidents and incidents
EVOLVEhub: Portal combining data from all EVOLVE apps with your MIS to provide single point of access to school calendars, student timetables and attendance, etc.
Go to www.evolvego.online
Select your EVOLVE site
Login with your usual details.
Nothing. EVOLVEgo is free to all EVOLVE users.