Supportive | Quick | Competent | Unambiguous




EVOLVEgo is a mobile optimised version of the desktop applications you are already used to using and, where you have the relevant subscriptions.

  • EVOLVEgo assists visit leaders and accompanying staff with the operational management of visits. Once a visit form has been approved in EVOLVE, it will automatically appear in the visit staff's EVOLVEgo, so that they can manage every aspect of the visits including:

    • Viewing personal visit diary

    • Viewing visit registers

    • Taking visit registers via the app

    • Managing students with centrally recorded roll calls

    • Accessing and calling all school, LA/Trust and provider contacts

    • Accessing parent/carer contact details

    • Sending SMS and emails to parents/carers

    • Viewing full visit communication log

    • Viewing visit form notes

    • Viewing and amending Event Specific Plans

    • Viewing existing attachments and uploading additional files

    • Managing visit incident notifications

    Some of the above features require an EVOLVEstandard or EVOLVEpremium subscription.

  • Depending on your subscriptions EVOLVEgo allows you to access your system remotely on a mobile optimised platform

    EVOLVEvisits: End-to-end educational visit management solution

    EVOLVEclubs: Complete extra-curricular, wrap-around care and holiday club solution

    EVOLVEpay: Whole school payment solution

    EVOLVEshop: Online shop to sell anything from textbooks, uniform and stationery to ticketed events

    EVOLVEsports: Dedicated app designed to streamline the management of sporting fixtures 

    EVOLVEaccidentbook: Online incident book for the recording, monitoring and management of accidents and incidents

    EVOLVEhub: Portal combining data from all EVOLVE apps with your MIS to provide single point of access to school calendars, student timetables and attendance, etc. 

  • Go to

    Select your EVOLVE site

    Login with your usual details.

  • Nothing. EVOLVEgo is free to all EVOLVE users.