Are you confident that your senior leaders and governors understand their responsibilities related to educational visits?
e-Learning Academy
Educational visit roles and responsibilities for senior leaders.
Educational visits training for Heads, senior leaders and governors
The Leadership e-Learning Academy from EVOLVE Advice offers courses created to meet the specific needs of senior leaders in schools and Trusts. While some Heads are also the Educational Visits Coordinator (EVC) within their school, others are further removed from the day-to-day management of educational visits. Despite this, they have oversight and responsibility for the safety and competent management of educational visits, often being the individual responsible for approving visits via EVOLVE or another visit management system.
Our Leadership e-Learning Academy courses are developed and overseen by EVOLVE Advice’s Educational Visits Advisers. The content is based on years of experience supporting heads and senior leaders and a thorough knowledge of the relevant legislation, regulations and National Guidance.
£25 + VAT @20%
Free to EVOLVE Advice clients. £25 + VAT @20% for others.
(Please note: once purchased, you will need to log in or register for an online training account to access this e-learning course; the person taking the course will need to initiate the booking.)
About the courses
Educational Visits Essentials for Heads and Senior Leaders
A specially designed e-learning course to give senior leaders in schools and Trusts an overview of their respective responsibilities related to educational visits, and the confidence to oversee this important part of school life.
The courses cover compliance; health and safety; National Guidance; preparing for and dealing with emergencies; and risk management.
The course is intended to give an overview of the guidance and considerations that Headteachers and senior leaders need to understand in their role overseeing educational visits. It highlights considerations and actions which could support staff to ensure required and appropriate health and safety or safeguarding measures are in place on all visits.
The course is available immediately after purchase. Learners complete a series of online modules within the e-learning. These can be completed in one sitting, or you can complete and save sections as you go – giving you maximum flexibility on where and when you complete the learning.
The course takes around 60-90 minutes to complete and include an online assessment. On completion, learners will receive a digital certificate and digital badge for their CPD records.
The Heads and Senior Leaders e-learning costs £25 +VAT @ 20% per learner, which includes all online learning materials, assessment, digital certificate and badge.
This is an e-learning course, linked to your ‘yourtraining’ platform account. The person taking the course will need to initiate the booking.
Governors Educational Visits Induction
An e-learning course for governors in schools and educational settings. This short course provides an overview of the considerations that governors need to understand in your role overseeing educational visits in schools. It is ideal as an induction for new governors but would also benefit experienced governors as a refresher programme.
Governors are responsible for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of a school
– which includes activities taking place offsite and outside of school hours such as educational visits, residentials and extra-curricular activities. This may be the first time that you have had to consider this area of school life.
This e-learning module introduces governors to the importance of educational visits and explores the role of governors in supporting schools to meet their responsibilities. It includes practical next steps to empower you to actively embrace your role in relation to educational visits.
By the end of the course you should:
Understand, as a governor, how you can help overcome the barriers schools face when organising educational visits.
Know the role you play as a governor in relation to educational visits.
Be able to locate key policies, legislation and national guidance relating to educational visits.
This course awards a certificate.
This is a self-guided e-learning course. It should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete but you can complete and save sections as you go – giving you maximum flexibility on where and when you complete the learning.
It includes signposting to further information, to get a more in-depth understanding of certain areas.
This e-learning course is free to EVOLVE Advice clients, £25 + VAT @20% for others. Your discount will be applied when you sign-in to (our e-learning system).
To access the course, either Login with your existing credentials or sign up to access. You will be able to pay by card (if applicable) and start the course immediately.
This is an e-learning course, linked to your ‘yourtraining’ platform account. The person taking the course will need to initiate the booking.
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