Supportive | Quick | Competent | Unambiguous

Visit Leader Live

This Visit Leader training course is designed to equip staff with the key requirements to become a competent leader of educational visits. The course is delivered by an experienced Educational Visits Adviser.

Course Content

This course outlines key considerations in planning an educational visit and updates participants with current good practice in the supervision of young people. The session looks at strategies used for risk management and risk assessment offsite and will include:

Benefits and perceived barriers of offsite visits;

Planning, leading and evaluating off site activities and visits;

Group management;

Risk assessment training

Policy compliance.

Target Audience

This course is aimed at new and existing Visit Leaders in all schools (maintained, Independent Schools, Foundation Schools, and Academies) where the employer has agreed that this is suitable.

Although many of the subjects are transferable, this course is not aimed at FE and HE settings.

Duration and Delivery

2 hours guided learning hours

Our Visit Leader training is delivered live online using Zoom. The feedback we have received is this is the preferable method for our schools.

It enables:

- attendees to save time travelling;
- attendees to reduce their carbon impact;
- schools to reduce costs on supply cover;
- us to be flexible with cancellation or postponement due to last minute issues arising in schools;
- attendees to undertake the course from the comfort of their home, office or classroom - no more cold Village Halls or Scout Huts.

Booking and Certification

This course is Accredited by the Institute for Outdoor Learning, delivered in line with relevant guidance, including OEAP National Guidance.

Participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance upon completion of the course accredited by the IOL (Institute for Outdoor Learning)


£75+vat per person (Remote)


View course dates here

Closed courses

We can run a course at a time to suit you and your staff team.

£500+VAT @ 20% for up to 20 staff. Contact us to book

Why choose us?

Our courses are all written and designed by experienced Educational Visits Advisers.

Our trainers are all:

1. Qualified Teachers/Hold the Level 3 in Education and Training
2. Undergo extensive training and shadowing before delivery
3. Are Internally Quality Assured and observed twice a year
4. Externally Quality Assured and Observed at least once a year
5. Undertake annual standardisation and trainer development
5. Given feedback by attendees post-course.