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Sustainable Visits

Ideas and suggestions for reducing the environmental impact of your educational visits. Hear how other schools are inspiring young people to protect the environment through their educational visits programme.

Sustainable Educational Visits

Here are some ideas to help you reduce the environmental impact of your visits.

Learn from other schools about how they are using educational visits to inspire young people to protect and promote the environment.

If you’ve got an example that you could share with other EVCs and visit leaders, please get in touch and help us to share good practice. Email

Eco Trips checklist

Even small changes can make a big difference. Keep this checklist handy when planning your visit programme

School Stories: Claremont Primary and Nursery School

Read more about how a peaceful protest walk inspired children from year 1 to year 6 to help SAVE OUR SWIFTS.

School Stories: Colchester High School

An immersive bushcraft experience helped year 7 children grow in confidence and independence.


How could you use £250 to support educational visits that help reduce environmental impact and inspire the next generation? Find out more about our Eco Trip Grants for schools. Deadline for applications: 18 July 2023.