New OEAP National Guidance on visiting cities. Covers risk assessment, security, group management and communication. Read our summary of the guidance and its changes.
Read MoreNew educational visits guidance from OEAP sets out what you need to do if you want to invite external participants on your school trips. This may be students who are no-longer (or not yet) enrolled, or participants from other organisations.
Read MoreImportant guidance for DofE expeditions, including what to do when using an Approved Activity Provider (AAP). Updated OEAP National Guidance. Read our summary of the guidance and its changes.
Read MoreAdvice on how to prevent and manage medical emergencies on educational visits. This article includes lessons learned from the coroner’s report into a fatality on an overseas visit.
Read MoreJake Wiid, of EVOLVE Advice offers advice on the use of tracking devices on educational visits. What do schools and settings need to consider when deciding their policy on tracking devices?
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